Sony Entertainment Television’s latest fiction offering Kathaa Ankahee is churning out interesting drama in the upcoming episodes. As seen so far, Kathaa pleaded in front of her father-in-law Kailash for help but he asked her to die with her son. She even thinks of giving up her own life so that Aarav gets the insurance money. But fortunately, smelling something fishy, the insurance agent advises her not to think of something that can ruin the kid’s life forever. Finally, she decides to try her last shot seeking a loan from her company.
Now, in the coming episode, Katha will meet Viaan and ask him for a loan of 1 crore rupees. He will ask why she thinks the company will give such a huge loan to an employee who will just complete her probation. But in order to test Katha, he will put forth an indecent proposal. Even if the company cannot give such a huge loan, Viaan could, so he will ask Katha to spend a night with him to get the desired fund. The difficult chapter of Kathaa’s life unfolds from here on where she is in a dilemma to choose between her child and an irreversible pain that is going to haunt her for life if she takes Viaan’s offer. While she cannot disclose the reason behind her need for money as she has lied to her office before about being single to secure a job.
Will Katha accept this indecent proposal and save her son Aarav?
Keep reading for more updates.