After captivating audiences with its heartwarming narrative, Zee Bangla’s Ke Prothom Kache Esechi will bid farewell with a poignant finale on September 22. The serial, which began its four-month journey in May, follows the life of Madhubani, a single mother played by Mohona Maiti, and her daughter Mihi, played by Radhika Karmakar. Their journey, filled with ups and downs, has resonated deeply with viewers, despite the show’s slip in TRP rankings.

The storyline, revolving around Madhubani, played by Mohona Maiti, and her struggles as a single mother, deeply resonated with viewers. Her chemistry with Rik, played by Sayan Bose, and their unwavering support for each other won hearts. Madhubani’s little daughter Mihi, played by Radhika Karmakar, with her innocent words, touched audiences’ emotions, making her a beloved character.

As the serial concludes, speculation surrounds the finale’s surprises. Will little Mihi grow up, and who will essay the role of grown-up Mihir? The last episode promises to tie loose ends, potentially showcasing Madhubani and Mihi’s acceptance into Rik’s family and possible remarriage.

The cast and crew’s emotional goodbye on social media hinted at the serial’s impactful conclusion. The popularity of the show, despite its TRP rankings, has been a testament to their hard work and dedication. Sayan Bose, who plays Rik, expressed gratitude and acknowledged that he would be missed.

As fans eagerly anticipate the conclusion of Ke Prothom Kache Esechi, they are filled with excitement and curiosity about the resolution of Madhubani and Mihi’s journey. Will the finale provide a satisfying conclusion or leave viewers yearning for more?