Krishna Mohini the Colors television show produced by Boyhood Productions has seen engaging drama with Aryaman (Fahmaan Khan) and Krishna (Debattama Saha) stealthily joining hands to expose Mohini (Ketaki Kulkarni) and her game plan. Krishna has found out that Mohini is not alone in whatever she is doing, and wants to unearth the guy who has been aiding her.

We wrote about Mohini asking for a good share in property and assets, and further demanding the divorce of Aryaman and Krishna.

The upcoming episode will see Krishna taking the initiative and getting the divorce papers signed and submitted. She will hasten the wedding of Aryaman with Mohini, which will make Mohini uneasy. Further, Aryaman will add to the grief of Mohini when he will announce that he has transferred his share of property and assets to the name of Krishna. He will tell all in the family that this will be the alimony he will give Krishna for ruining her life. He will also tell Mohini that he will be with her, and will give her kid his name, and this will be the acceptance that he will give Mohini.

What will happen next?

Embodying the timeless virtues of Lord Krishna as a ‘saaRthi‘ and margdarshak to Arjun, the 21-year-old Krishna portrays the role of a ‘saaRthi’ to her brother Mohan. Her journey epitomizes resilience and support, showcasing the enduring power of familial bonds. This voyage is not merely a tale of a sister serving as a steadfast guiding force in his journey, but it also anchors the journey of Krishna who is destined to meet Aryaman. The show is set in Dwarka. It stars Debattama Saha as Krishna, Ketaki Kulkarni as Mohan, and Fahmaan Khan as Aryaman.