Zee TV show Kumkum Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms is witnessing drama around the new generation Ranbir (Krishna Kaul), Rhea (Naina Singh) and Prachi (Mugdha Chaphekar).

The generation leap in Kumkum Bhagya has brought in new charm with the youngsters having their own storyline and plot.

As we know, Ranbir is in love with Rhea (Naina Singh). However, Rhea has put forth a condition that he needs to pretend to love Prachi and then break her heart in order to get Rhea’s love. Now Ranbir is trying to win Prachi’s love to complete the challenge given by Rhea.

In the recent episode, Prachi and Ranbir are in the same car but she gets irritated with him and gets down. She goes alone on a deserted road. Soon, few goons start following the poor girl.

OMG! Who will be Prachi’s saviour?



