Kumkum Bhagya, the Zee TV show, has been entertaining the audience with major twists and turns in the lives of RV (Abrar Qazi) and Purvi (Rachi Sharma). The show has been running for ten years and still impresses the audience. It is produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms. Monisha accuses Purvi of planning Harleen’s accident, leaving RV shocked.
In the upcoming episode, Monisha tries to make RV believe that Purvi tried to harm Harleen, but he doesn’t believe it. Purvi tells RV that she didn’t do anything. Harman panics after discovering Harleen’s accident, and the housemates rush to the hospital, where RV’s grandfather faints due to stress. Monisha challenges RV to prove Purvi guilty of harming Harleen.
Housemates don’t believe it, but Deepika claims that she doubts Purvi. Later, Monisha files an attempted murder complaint against Purvi and calls the police. She becomes the witness of the incident and tells the police to arrest Purvi. The police tell Purvi that she is under arrest on charges of attempt to murder.
Kumkum Bhagya, a popular Zee TV show, chronicles the love story of Pragya and Abhi, played by Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia. They meet by destiny, and a love story is built. The show now features Mugdha Chaphekar as Prachi, Krishna Kaul as Ranbir (second generation), Rachi Sharma as Poorvi, and Abrar Qazi as Rajvansh (third generation).