Kumkum Bhagya, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under her production house Balaji Telefilms, continues to entertain the viewers with major ups and downs in the lives of RV (Abrar Qazi) and Purvi (Rachi Sharma). Khushi meets Purvi and hugs her. Purvi asks her to stay, but she denies it. Deepika taunts Khushi and worries about Monisha.
In the upcoming episode, Monisha seeks help from Dushyant, who tells her that he will eliminate Netra from the world. Monisha conspires to kill Netra and create a big mess for Purvi to ruin her image in front of everyone. RV and Purvi come close, and they dance, but it turns out to be a dream. But then RV asks Purvi if he can kiss her, and she agrees.
The next day, RV looks weird, and Purvi questions him about his past. She tells him what has happened in his past that has affected him so badly that he has changed himself. RV looks tense and thinks about the things that happened due to Khushi. He tells her that he will share everything but at the right time.
How will Purvi react after discovering RV’s past with her sister Khushi?
Kumkum Bhagya, a popular Zee TV show, chronicles the love story of Pragya and Abhi, played by Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia. They meet by destiny, and a love story is built. The show now features Mugdha Chaphekar as Prachi, Krishna Kaul as Ranbir (second generation), Rachi Sharma as Poorvi, and Abrar Qazi as Rajvansh (third generation).