Kumkum Bhagya, the Zee TV show produced by Ekta Kapoor under her banner Balaji Telefilms, entertains the audience with interesting ups and downs in the lives of RV (Abrar Qazi) and Purvi (Rachi Sharma). RV returns home, which makes everyone happy. Monisha asks him to wait because she wants to perform aarti, but Dadi tells her to stop because she cannot do it because she is a guest.
In the upcoming episode, Dadi performs RV’s aarti and welcomes him into the house. Monisha is upset and expresses her irritation in front of Deepika. She tells her that RV is whatever today is because of her, and people in the house are treating her like a guest. Monisha is hurt, and she decides to eliminate Purvi from RV’s life and take her position back.
RV becomes happy being home. He indulges in a candid conversation with Purvi, which brings them close. Purvi vows not to let anyone take her Kumkum from her. Purvi looks happy as Harleen accepts her as daughter-in-law. On the other hand, Khushi thinks about RV and his love for her, regretting her decision to leave him.
Kumkum Bhagya, a popular Zee TV show, chronicles the love story of Pragya and Abhi, played by Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia. They meet by destiny, and a love story is built. The show now features Mugdha Chaphekar as Prachi, Krishna Kaul as Ranbir (second generation), Rachi Sharma as Poorvi, and Abrar Qazi as Rajvansh (third generation).