Kumkum Bhagya, the Zee TV show, has been entertaining the audience with major ups and downs for the last ten years. It is produced by Ekta Kapoor under her production house, Balaji Telefilms. Monisha traps Purvi (Rachi Sharma) in her plan, proving she is responsible for RV’s deteriorating health (Abrar Qazi). Harleen also warns Purvi and asks her to stay away from her son. Monisha threatens Purvi that whenever she tries to expose her, Purvi herself will lose trust and respect in front of the family.
In the upcoming episode, Diya overhears Purvi and Monisha’s conversation. She advises Purvi to be very smart to defeat Monisha. Diya tells her that Monisha should not know about her next move and that she has to be ahead of her cunning ploy. Purvi meets RV and gets emotional. She expresses her feelings to RV that whenever anything happens to him, she feels the pain, and it bothers her a lot. RV understands Purvi’s emotions and assures her.
Later, during breakfast, RV tells everyone that he trusts Purvi and cares for her. He highlights that she is special to him and that if anything happens to her, he cannot tolerate that. Listening to RV’s feelings for Purvi, Monisha becomes jealous. At the same time, Purvi looks confident with RV’s support.
Seeing how Purvi collects proof against Monisha again and exposes her cunning ploy against the family will be interesting.
Kumkum Bhagya, a popular Zee TV show, chronicles the love story of Pragya and Abhi, played by Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia. They meet by destiny, and a love story is built. The show now features Mugdha Chaphekar as Prachi, Krishna Kaul as Ranbir (second generation), Rachi Sharma as Poorvi, and Abrar Qazi as Rajvansh (third generation).