Zee TV’s popular show Kumkum Bhagya, produced by Ekta Kapoor under the banner Balaji Telefilms, the audience has seen engaging drama revolving around RV (Abrar Qazi) and Purvi’s (Rachi Sharma) divorce. Purvi sets a trap for Neha to get rid of her. But her divorce plan flips back on her as Neha returns to marry RV. After getting engaged to RV during the business party, Neha comes to RV’s house. Neha shares that she wants RV to prove that he will surely marry her, and for that, he will have to divorce Purvi, leaving everyone in deep shock.

In the upcoming episode, RV’s family asks for some time to resolve things before the divorce from Neha. Neha gives them a deadline until the evening. As Neha returns in the evening, she asks Purvi to sign the divorce papers. However, Purvi denies signing it, which leaves Neha shocked. Neha confronts Purvi that she came up with this idea to give her justice, and now she is denying it. Further, Neha threatens RV that if she denies divorcing Purvi, then she will get them arrested again.

Purvi feels terrible and starts crying. On the other hand, RV takes a stand and confronts Neha. He requests that she talk to him in private, but Neha denies it. RV then questions her about how she will live with him after marriage if she can’t talk to him for five minutes.

It will be interesting to see what new turn the story will take.