Kumkum Bhagya, the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms, is giving the audience nail-biting moments with each passing day. Audiences have already seen Akshay meets Prachi after her fight with Ranbir. Prachi shares her ordeal about Khushi with him. Soon, Akshay makes a promise to Prachi. He tells Prachi that even if Ranbir wants Khushi, he will get Khushi in the house for her within a day. He promises to reunite her with her daughter Khushi.

Prachi and Ranbir go to the adoption agency for Khushi. The manager mentions that they can adopt Khushi. However, there is a condition. She mentions that whoever marries first will get Khushi. Prachi and Ranbir both decide to marry their partners, Akshay and Rhea.

In the coming episode, Prachi and Ranbir come home. They reveal the condition to their respective families and announce their marriage decision. At the same time, Prachi asks Shahana and Dadi to gear up for her wedding the other day with Akshay. Ranbir informs Rhea to be his bride. The latter gets excited and gets ready as a bride. On her big day, Aaliya meets her at Kolhiā€™s house. Rhea gets scared of being exposed and tries to hide Aaliya.

Who will marry first: Ranbir or Prachi?

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To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!