Kumkum Bhagya, the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms, has entertained the masses with its exciting and interesting content. As seen, Prachi comes to the police station after she learns about Ranbir’s arrest drama. Prachi meets Khushi at the police station and gets happy. The latter request Prachi to get Ranbir out of jail. And she promises to do so. Prachi goes to speak to Ranbir, but instead, he gets angry with her. Soon, she decides to punish him for his mistake. On the other hand, Rhea asks to take help from Prachi to get Ranbir out. However, Ranbir refuses to take Prachi’s help.
Ranbir finally gets bail, and the family gets happy. Soon, Ranbir thanks the lawyer for helping him escape the jail. However, the inspector reveals that Prachi got Ranbir bailed. Pallavi and Ranbir get shocked. Later, Ranbir witnesses Prachi outside the jail and confronts her. However, Prachi refuses to answer Ranbir’s questions and leaves. Ranbir, on the other hand, decides to organize a party for Khushi’s birthday and asks for Rhea’s help.
In the coming episode, Prachi comes to the temple simultaneously when Ranbir is passing by the temple. However, it starts raining, and Prachi finds shelter in a shed. However, a few goons tease Prachi. Ranbir witnesses Prachi being in trouble and rushes to save her. The latter hugs Ranbir as she fears. Rhea happens to witness their hug moment and breaks down. She cries and runs on the road. Soon, Aaliya comes before Rhea and saves her from an accident. The former decides to seek revenge on Prachi, giving Rhea the happiness she deserves.
Will Prachi learn about Aaliya’s return?
Stay hooked to IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!