Kumkum Bhagya, the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms, has received tremendous response and kept its viewers hooked to television with its stellar cast and engaging storyline. As seen, Khushi comes to Kohli house and meets Ranbir. The latter gets happy. Khushi informs Ranbir how she was locked in a room and escaped. Ranbir gets shocked by the warden’s behaviour with Khushi. The former cuddles Khushi and decides to tell her the truth. Ranbir informs Khushi that she is his daughter Panchi. The latter gets very happy, and thank god. She soon calls Ranbir ‘papa’. Ranbir gets emotional.
Prachi and Akshay learn about Khushi missing from the orphanage. They decide to file a kidnapping complaint at the police station. Meanwhile, Khushi meets the entire Kohli family and gets emotional. Soon, Ranbir fears losing Khushi and decides to flee with her. He tells about the plan to Khushi.
In the coming episode, Ranbir takes Khushi for an ice cream date. The latter gets happy and enjoys her date with his father Ranbir. On the other hand, Prachi worries for Khushi. To cheer her up, Akshay decides to take her out. He brings Prachi to the same place where Ranbir is sitting with Khushi.
Will Prachi witness Khushi and Ranbir together?
Stay hooked to IWMBuzz.com for more updates.
To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!