Kumkum Bhagya, the popular Zee TV show produced by Balaji Telefilms, is churning out interesting drama in recent episodes. According to the storyline, Ranbir (Krishna Kaul) and Prachi (Mugdha Chaphekar) continue their cute argument. As their fight escalates, they start calling each other funny names. Soon, Akshay unexpectedly enters the scene. Akshay (Abhishek Malik) questions Ranbir and Prachi about the funny names. However, Prachi skillfully handles the situation, defusing the tension and leaving Akshay intrigued.
Mihika and Ranbir plan to convince everyone that they have performed the puja. Mihika expresses her concern that their true relationship will be exposed if they don’t participate in the ritual. On the other hand, Prachi, too, fears the same. Determined to keep up appearances, their respective partners, Akshay and Ranbir, brainstorm ideas to create the illusion of their participation in the puja. They devise a clever scheme to deceive everyone and ensure their secret remains hidden.
In the coming episode, Vishakha, suspicious about Ranbir’s relationship with Prachi, decides to dig more to find out the truth. Vishakha questions Ranbir during the festivity to reveal the girl’s name, who was in his life before Mihika. Ranbir gets worried and shocked.
Will Ranbir reveal his past life with Prachi to the Tandon family?
Kumkum Bhagya has been one of the longest-running shows on television. It features Ranbir (Krishna Kaul) and Prachi (Mugdha Chaphekar) as the leads.
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To know what happens next on Kumkum Bhagya, watch the premiere episode on ZEE5 Club before TV!!