Zee TV’s popular show Kumkum Bhagya, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, the audience has seen a major drama with RV (Abrar Qazi) getting accused of molesting Neha Singh, disguised as Netra. Netra creates a scene with drunk RV, framing him as the culprit of molestation. Soon, the police officers arrest RV while housemates create drama in the jail. At the same time, the media questions Purvi’s (Rachi Sharma) absence. RV hears the media revealing that Purvi left RV because of his misdeeds. On the other hand, Purvi, on her way to the police station, meets with an accident. Soon, people took her to the hospital, and as she woke up, she headed to the police station.

In the upcoming episode, Purvi somehow comes to the police station. Worrying about RV, Purvi meets him in jail. However, RV gets furious seeing Purvi, and in anger, he asks her to leave, as the media revealed she left him because of his deeds. Purvi tries to explain RV, and she event requests him. But then, he ignores Purvi’s request. Purvi leaves the police station.

Later, one of the constables bashed RV and highlighted the fact that Purvi had an accident, and as soon as she woke up, she came to see him in jail. Further, he criticized his behavior towards her.

Kumkum Bhagya is a love story about Pragya and Abhi, played by Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia, who met destiny. The show now features Mugdha Chaphekar as Prachi, Krishna Kaul as Ranbir (second generation), Rachi Sharma as Poorvi, and Abrar Qazi as Rajvansh (third generation).