Zee TV show Kundali Bhagya produced by Balaji Telefilms has successfully managed to create an impression via its diverse and unique concept. As seen so far, Arjun bribes Sandeep, a journalist, to malign Rishabh. Later, the press accuses Rishabh of selling fake medicines and the police come to arrest Rishabh. However, Mr. Malkani stops Rishabh’s arrest. Preeta doubts that it was a part of Arjun’s master plan to destroy the Luthras.

Later, Anjali buys the shares of the Luthra Pharmacy that helps Arjun become the owner of the company. Arjun visits the Luthras with his Venky, an interior designer, to announce this and more. Later, Mahesh tells Kareena and Rakhi that he fears the outcome of Rishabh and Arjun’s fight.

Now, in the coming episode, Arjun decides to snatch his daughter Kavya from Rishabh and Preeta. He decides to win Kavya’s love. On the other hand, Rishabh asks Preeta and the family to leave India for their safety. Arjun gets shocked to find out that Rishabh is sending Kavya to New Zealand.

Will Arjun stop Kavya?

Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.