Zee TV’s popular show Kundali Bhagya, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms, has been entertaining the audience for the past seven years. The show chronicles the lives of Preeta (Shraddha Arya) and Karan (Shakti Anand). Palki (Adrija Roy) unveils the truth about Rajveer (Paras Kalnawat) being Shaurya’s (Baseer Ali) real brother, leaving him in shock. Palki asks Shaurya’s opinion after learning the truth, and she is shocked to see Shaurya hating Rajveer even more.

In the upcoming episode, Shaurya expresses his true feelings for Rajveer. He doesn’t believe Palki’s words and taunts her. However, Shaurya breaks the limit when he says to Palki, ‘ Don’t tell me, Palki, even before the marriage, you had a honeymoon with Rajveer’, leaving Palki furious. Palki slaps Shaurya and exposes him in front of Rajveer and Shanaya.

On the other hand, Preeta wakes up from consciousness and listens to Nidhi talk to someone. Preeta shares with Karan that she heard Nidhi talk about breaking Rajveer-Palki and Shanaya’s engagement, leaving Karan in deep shock.

Starring Paras Kalnawat, Adrija Roy, and Baseer Ali as the second-generation leads, the show chronicles the love story of Shraddha Arya and Shakti Anand (first-generation leads), filled with ups and downs. Karan and Preeta are separate as Preeta lost her memory; it will be interesting to see how things will turn out to bring them back together.