Zee TV’s popular show Kundali Bhagya, produced by Ekta Kapoor under the banner Balaji Telefilms, the audience has seen engaging drama revolving around Varun kidnapping Preeta (Shraddha Arya) and Kavya. The Luthra family reaches to save Preeta and Kavya. However, before they can escape, Varun kidnaps Preeta, Palki, Rakhi, and Kareena. Later, Karan (Shakti Anand) points out a gun on Varun’s forehead, but it doesn’t affect him at all. Kavya agrees to marry Varun to save her family and asks Karan and Rajveer (Paras Kalnawat) to search for the other family members.

In the upcoming episode, Preeta regains consciousness and tries to escape from the glass tank. She struggles to survive in the cold water. On the other hand, Palki also regains consciousness and finds herself locked in a cold storage room. As she stands up and looks around, she spots Rakhi and Kareena, leaving her in deep shock.

Frustrated with the situation, Anshuman calls Varun. He asks him to kill Preeta as soon as possible. He emphasizes that if Preeta is alive, then she will kill all of us, leaving Varun in a state of dilemma.

Starring Paras Kalnawat, Adrija Roy, and Baseer Ali as the second-generation leads, the show chronicles the love story of Shraddha Arya and Shakti Anand (first-generation leads), filled with ups and downs. Karan and Preeta are separate as Preeta lost her memory; it will be interesting to see how things will turn out to bring them back together.