Kundali Bhagya, the Zee TV show, continues to entertain the audience with its major twists and gripping storyline, produced by Ekta Kapoor under Balaji Telefilms. Shaurya (Baseer Ali) gets jealous of Rajveer (Paras Kalnawat) and Palki’s (Adrija Roy) chemistry as they romance in the kitchen. He tries to separate them with the help of Nidhi. On the other hand, Karan (Shakti Anand) picks up the same kurta that Preeta (Shraddha Arya) chose for him, leaving Nidhi devastated.

In the upcoming episode, Preeta tells Karan that Nidhi is his wife, and she doesn’t want to come between him and her, and he should not force her to. Karan unknowingly expresses his heartfelt feelings for Preeta, saying that she is not coming between him and her, but Nidhi is between him and Preeta. Hearing this, Preeta looks clueless. However, Karan somehow covers up the situation.

On the other hand, Nidhi considers Kareena’s advice and understands the urgency of the situation. She wonders what she can do next to separate Karan and Preeta.

It will be interesting to see what Nidhi’s next move will be to permanently eliminate Preeta from Karan’s life.

Starring Paras Kalnawat, Adrija Roy, and Baseer Ali as the second-generation leads, the show chronicles the love story of Shraddha Arya and Shakti Anand (first-generation leads), filled with ups and downs. Karan and Preeta are separate as Preeta lost her memory; it will be interesting to see how things will turn out to bring them back together.