Maitree the Zee TV show produced by Sunshine Productions has seen engaging drama with the engagement of Maitree (Shrenu Parikh) and Saransh (Zaan Khan) happening amid a lot of chaos. Saransh who is a drug addict wanted his dose, for which he went to a place where the police raid happened. He was almost about to get caught, but escaped the mess. However, his brother Ashish (Namish Taneja) has taken the case of the drug raid, and is investigating it.

We saw how Maitree got a doubt seeing Saransh’s strange behaviour. In the coming episode, Saransh and Maitree’s sangeet will be happening, when Saransh will again start to shiver. He will need to inject his dose, and will move away from the crowd and limelight. Maitree who has been suspicious will follow him. She will see that Saransh will be in a very aggressive mood, not knowing where he is. He will be yelling at his friends and humiliating them. Maitree will see a very new and changed version of Saransh, seeing which she will get scared.

What will happen next?