Maitree the Zee TV show produced by Sunshine Productions has started on a good note. The first episode will introduce viewers to the close friends Nandini (Bhaweeka Chaudhary) and Maitree (Shrenu Parikh). During their childhood, they even vowed to marry the same guy so that they can be together. This explained their closeness as friends.
The coming episode will show that the engagement of Maitree with Saransh (Zaan Khan) will be about to happen. Saransh will be the younger brother of Ashish (Namish Taneja) who will be married to Nandini. Nandini and Ashish who will be happily married, will be on the path of becoming parents.
Nandini will be extremely happy that Maitree is being wed to the same family where she is. Ashish who will be a lawyer will be very close to his brother Saransh. However, he will also be the best friend of Maitree.
At this juncture, it will be shown that Saransh who is London-return will be into bad company. He will be a drug addict who will have a habit of getting restless, aggressive and weak when he will not get his dose of drugs on time. However, both Nandini and Ashish will not know this fact about Saransh. They will tell Maitree that Saransh will keep her extremely happy.
Will Saransh’s truth come out?