Zee TV’s popular show Maitree, produced by Sunshine Productions has kept its viewers hooked to television with its stellar cast and engaging storyline. As seen so far, Ashish saves Maitree’s life, and they both take Saransh and Nandini to the hospital. Saransh regains consciousness but fears taking a blood test. Meanwhile, Nandini’s situation gets critical. Ashish and Maitree feel sad for Nandini.
Maitree tells the family about the accident over the phone and they rush to the hospital. Meanwhile, Nandini gives birth to a baby boy. However, soon she slips into a coma. Ashish gets shocked to know about Nandini. On the other hand, Saransh’s state worsens.
Now, in the coming episode, the doctor tries to revive Saransh. However, the latter fails to respond to the treatment. Soon, the doctor declares Saransh dead and Sona breaks down. Ashish takes Maitree to the morgue and the latter gets shocked to see Saransh dead. Sona reveals to Maitree about his death and she gets devastated.
What will happen next?
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