The upcoming episodes of Zee TV’s popular show Maitree, produced by Sunshine Productions, are poised to keep viewers on the edge of their seats as the suspense builds. As per the plot, the DNA test proves that Swayam is Harsh’s son. Saransh’s words related to complicated relationships hurt everyone’s sentiments, and Sona slaps him.

Harsh apologises to Maitree. The doctor tells them how Swayam can be saved. They get worried and talk to Yash and Nandini about it. Nandini meets Maitree and asks her to listen to the doctor. Nandini cuts off ties with Harsh. Maitree and Harsh pour their hearts out to each other.

In the coming episode, Saransh instigates Nandini against Maitree. Nandini, under Saransh’s influence, regrets her decision. She decides to end Maitree’s chapter and remove her from her life. Sona overhears Nandini and Saransh’s conversation and gets shocked. She confronts Nandini but the latter misbehaves with her.

OMG! Will Sona save Maitree from Nandini?

Maitree stars Shrenu Parikh, Bhaweeka Chaudhary, Samarth Jurel, and Kunal Karan Kapoor. It formerly starred Zaan Khan and Namish Taneja.

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