Mangal Lakshmi the Colors television show produced by Panorama Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Saumya (Jia Mustafa) entering Mangal’s (Deepika Singh) house with an intention of sending her out of Adit’s (Naman Shaw) life. We saw Saumya creating problems by replacing Adit’s father’s tablet with her anti-depressant tablet and making the blame fall on Mangal. We also saw her creating a gas leak incident at home which caused a big mishap. However, Saumya was left exposed when she pretended to have cooked at home but got food from outside.

The upcoming episode will see Saumya create another rift between Adit and Mangal. Mangal will be called by Lakshmi for Ganpati sthapan. Saumya will create a situation where Mangal will believe that Adit will go and pick up Akshat from school and gets ready to go to Lakshmi’s house. However, at school, nobody will reach to pick up Akshat on time, as a result of which a lady will be about to kidnap Akshat. Mangal will accidentally reach the spot and will find her son in danger and will avert a big danger. Adit will also come there. Mangal and Adit will end up fighting on the road where they will blame each other.

What will happen now?

Set in Delhi, ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, capturing the journey of two sisters, who claim respect for each other. The show is produced by Suzanna Ghai’s Panorama Entertainment. Mangal is the epitome of every Indian woman who flawlessly manages her household duties while fiercely loving her family, especially her sister. Wise beyond her age, Mangal’s Lakshmi runs her father’s garment shop after the demise of her parents, deprived of affection from her extended family.