Mangal Lakshmi the Colors television show produced by Panorama Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Kusum (Urvashi Upadhyay) continuing to be unwell. As we know, Saumya (Jia Mustafa) has been administering certain medications to Kusum that make her hallucinate and lose her mental stability. Kusum complained to her family that Mangal tried to kill her. We saw Mangal getting a doubt on Saumya’s activities, and discretely taking Kusum for a medical checkup. She got certain tests done of Kusum without the knowledge of Adit and Saumya.
Meanwhile, the upcoming episode will see Mangal going to the temple to offer her special prayers. She will climb the steps of the temple on her knees, as she would have taken an oath to do the same, for the fast recovery of her mother-in-law. She will be seen weeping before the Almighty, to set things right for Kusum.
Even at home, Mangal will have a thorough vigil on Saumya and her acts. But Saumya will continue to discretely feed the medicines to Kusum in some food or the other.
Will Mangal’s faith in God yield results? Will she catch Saumya in her plan?
Set in Delhi, ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, capturing the journey of two sisters, who claim respect for each other. The show is produced by Suzanna Ghai’s Panorama Entertainment. Mangal is the epitome of every Indian woman who flawlessly manages her household duties while fiercely loving her family, especially her sister. Wise beyond her age, Mangal’s Lakshmi runs her father’s garment shop after the demise of her parents, deprived of affection from her extended family.