Mangal Lakshmi the Colors television show produced by Panorama Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Mangal (Deepika Singh) being unaware of Kusum’s whereabouts after Adit (Naman Shaw) decided to send her to the mental asylum for treatment. As we know, Mangal had gone to the temple to offer her special prayers when a major mishap happened at home, where Kusum pushed her husband so badly that he was about to fall off the terrace. This was a shocker for Adit. Saumya (Jia Mustafa) insisted to Adit that they had to put her in the mental asylum for treatment.
The upcoming episode will see Mangal getting to know about the exact location of the asylum where Kusum has been admitted. She will go to the mental asylum to find out about Kusum. The hospital authorities will deny admitting such a person. However, Mangal will be shocked when she will see Kusum being manhandled and being dragged by the nurses. She will get livid at Adit and she will decide to confront Adit. She will go to meet Adit where she will question him on his decision, and will tell him that as a family member, they must nurse Kusum with love and affection.
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Set in Delhi, ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, capturing the journey of two sisters, who claim respect for each other. The show is produced by Suzanna Ghai’s Panorama Entertainment. Mangal is the epitome of every Indian woman who flawlessly manages her household duties while fiercely loving her family, especially her sister. Wise beyond her age, Mangal’s Lakshmi runs her father’s garment shop after the demise of her parents, deprived of affection from her extended family.