Mangal Lakshmi the Colors television show produced by Panorama Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Mangal (Deepika Singh) fighting against all odds and saving Kusum (Urvashi Upadhyay) from the fire accident in the asylum. Mangal brought Kusum home and this initially irked Adit. However, when Adit (Naman Shaw) got to know the truth about Mangal saving Amma’s life, he apologized and duly thanked Mangal. Saumya felt angry when Mangal told Adit that she would take complete responsibility of Amma and see to her well-being. Mangal told them that none should come in front of Amma if they were afraid for their own safety.
The upcoming episode will see Mangal trying to see if Kusum reacts to situations normally. Mangal will be cooking when Kusum will come there and talk to her. She will deliberately skip putting salt in a dish and will ask Kusum to taste it. Kusum will immediately react normally and will tell Mangal that she has not put salt. Mangal will feel elated that Kusum’s behaviour is normal. Mangal will sleep with Amma while Adit will also show his concern for Amma by sleeping on the ground in the same room.
What will Saumya do next?
Set in Delhi, ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, capturing the journey of two sisters, who claim respect for each other. The show is produced by Suzanna Ghai’s Panorama Entertainment. Mangal is the epitome of every Indian woman who flawlessly manages her household duties while fiercely loving her family, especially her sister. Wise beyond her age, Mangal’s Lakshmi runs her father’s garment shop after the demise of her parents, deprived of affection from her extended family.