Mangal Lakshmi the Colors television show produced by Panorama Entertainment has been growing in the minds of audiences and has also been the Number 1 show on the channel for a while now. The journey of Mangal (Deepika Singh) after Adit’s (Naman Shaw) affair outside his marriage with Saumya (Jia Mustafa) was revealed, has been tough. Mangal continued to live with her in-laws but as per the recent promo, Mangal is forced to take the drastic step of leaving her house with her children.
We wrote about Saumya partying with her friends with alcohol in her hand, when Mangal spotted her and stopped her from drinking it. However, Saumya made a big drama of it and proved to Adit that it was just apple juice that she was drinking.
The upcoming episode will see Saumya exercising so that she can get some mental relief from the drama happening in the house. However, while exercising on one foot, she will fall with her abdomen hitting the ground. Soon, Mangal who will be witness to this, will come running to help Saumya as she is pregnant and had a fall. Saumya, will however, get angry at Mangal and will ask her to mind her own life and not to interfere in her life.
Is Saumya really pregnant? With Saumya doing anything that she likes, it does create a lot of doubts on whether she is pregnant for real.
What do you think?
Set in Delhi, ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ is a heartwarming story of love and sacrifice, capturing the journey of two sisters, who claim respect for each other. The show is produced by Suzanna Ghai’s Panorama Entertainment. Mangal is the epitome of every Indian woman who flawlessly manages her household duties while fiercely loving her family, especially her sister. Wise beyond her age, Mangal’s Lakshmi runs her father’s garment shop after the demise of her parents, deprived of affection from her extended family.