Mannat Har Khushi Paane Ki the Colors television show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators has seen engaging drama with Mannat (Ayesha Singh) winning hearts with her food cooked for Vikrant’s parents. As we know, Aishwarya (Mona Vasu) was shocked to see Mannat as a chef. But she could not take back her compliments for the chef. This forced Aishwarya to give the job to Mannat. While Aishwarya was angry, Shruti found out about Aishwarya being her sister Sonia. This shocked her.
While Mannat was happy with her job offer, Shruti urged her not to work for Mezbaani. However, Mannat went ahead with her confidence and accepted the job.
The upcoming episode will focus on the first day at work for Mannat. However, things will not be rosy for her, as she will bump into Vikrant near the pool. The collision will be so awkward that both Vikrant and Mannat will end up falling inside the pool. This will leave Mannat embarrassed. Puneet will notice this and burn with rage. He will accuse Mannat of drawing Vikrant towards her, using her good looks. He will be determined to make Mannat’s life hell in the kitchen of Mezbaani.
What will happen next?
Mannat Har Khushi Paane Ki the Colors show is produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators. The show delves into the life and journey of Mannat, who was abandoned by her mother soon after her birth. Mannat aspires a good career as a chef and has good culinary attributes. The show has Ayesha Singh playing the titular role, with Adnan Khan paired opposite her. Mona Vasu, Sharain Khanduja, Hasan Zaidi, Delnaaz Irani, Mamta Verma are also in the prime cast.