Mannat Har Khushi Paane Ki the Colors television show produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators has seen engaging drama with Vikrant (Adnan Khan) and Malla (Sharain Khanduja) giving Mannat (Ayesha Singh) another chance to prove her culinary credentials. As we know, Puneet had earlier rejected Mannat as per the order of Aishwarya (Mona Vasu). Mannat felt bad after her failure but was happy as Malla had convinced Vikrant to give her another chance.

As we know, Vikrant asked Mannat to cook for his parents and impress them with her craft.

The upcoming episode will see Mannat walk confidently past the hurdles she will face to put up a good show at her cooking. When the food will be tasted by Vikrant’s parents as well as Aishwarya and Puneet, all of them will like it. In fact, Mannat will redo the dessert which will be the best of all the dishes she will make. Aishwarya, and the head cook Puneet will shower praises on the chef for the food made, unaware of the person being Mannat.

When Malla will bring the chef in front of them, all will be shocked. Vikrant will give his nod and so will his parents. However, the decision will remain pending on the side of Aishwarya, who will be forced to eat back her words.

Will Aishwarya be forced to offer Mannat the job of the Chef?

Mannat Har Khushi Paane Ki the Colors show is produced by Mukta Dhond’s Malhar Content Creators. The show delves into the life and journey of Mannat, who was abandoned by her mother soon after her birth. Mannat aspires a good career as a chef and has good culinary attributes. The show has Ayesha Singh playing the titular role, with Adnan Khan paired opposite her. Mona Vasu, Sharain Khanduja, Hasan Zaidi, Delnaaz Irani, Mamta Verma are also in the prime cast.