Zee TV new show Meet produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions is leaving no stone unturned to entertain masses with interesting plot twists. The loyal viewers witnessed Meet Ahlawat’s family decides to accompany him to Manushi’s house to meet her. On the other hand, the same goons surround Meet at the market.

Later, Meet beats them and returns home. However, Meet’s grandmother ousts her from the house until Manushi’s alliance is confirmed. The Ahlawats visit Manushi. Meet tries to reach home by hiding in Meet Ahlawat’s car to deliver the sweets on time.

In the coming episode, Meet Ahlawat learns that Meet was hiding in his car but helps her and drops her home. Later, he arrives at Manushi’s house to meet her. Meet Ahlawat and Manushi talk to each other and later Manushi agrees to marry him.

Will they get married?

Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.