Zee TV’s new show Meet produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions has been gripping the audiences lately with its interesting storyline, which is currently winning hearts. As seen so far, Manushi goes missing on her engagement day and Meet goes to find her.
Meanwhile, Meet Ahlawat’s family reaches Manushi’s house for engagement. However, when they don’t find Manushi around, Masoom finds something fishy. Soon, she reveals to Rajvardhan that Manushi is missing from the house. Rajvardhan asks Anubha to call Manushi or he would call off Meet Ahlawat’s engagement with Manushi.
Now, in the coming episode, Meet Ahlawat reveals to the family that he proposed to Manushi and she was in the room. He decides to bring her. Soon, Meet manages to bring Manushi home on time and the family gets happy. Manushi and Meet Ahlawat get happily engaged and Meet rejoice the moment. However, a new drama begins as Manushi loses her ring during the engagement ceremony.
What will happen next?
Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.