Zee TV’s new show Meet produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions has seen quite a lot of drama happening in the last few weeks. As seen so far, Meet participates in a cricket tournament as she faces a financial crisis. However, he fails to find more teammates for his team.

Later, Meet practices for her cricket match. However, her Dadi asks her to fast for her sister Manushi. Meet agrees to do so but she feels tired on her match day. Later, Meet needs the help of one more player. She comes to Meet Ahlawat and asks him for a favor.

Now, in the coming episode, Meet and the opponent come face to face and he makes fun of her. However, Meet Ahlawat enters the ground and decides to play along with Meet. Now, during the match, Meet gets tired and feels dizzy. However, Meet Ahlawat notices and runs towards her. Soon, she gets unconscious and falls in Meet Ahlawat’s arms.

OMG! Will Meet manage to win the match?

Keep reading IWMBuzz.com for more updates.