Zee TV’s new show Meet produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions is leaving no stone unturned to entertain viewers with its gripping storyline. The high voltage drama is keeping viewers hooked to the ongoing episodes. As we reported earlier, Meet feels devastated after her friendship ends with Meet Ahlawat.

Meanwhile, the Hooda family gears up for Manushi’s haldi ceremony. However, Meet trips and falls down. The Haldi splashes on her face. Dadi gets angry at Meet for her irresponsible behaviour.

Now, in the coming episode, Manushi decides to escape but Meet manages to stop her. Meet brings Manushi home and dresses her up as a bride. Meanwhile, Manushi thinks of ways to flee. She finally diverts Meet’s attention and hits on her head. Meet gets unconscious and Manushi elopes.

What will happen next?

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