Megha Barsenge the Colors television show produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia has seen engaging drama with the focus being on the wedding of Manoj (Kinshuk Mahajan) and Megha (Neha Rana). As we know, the pre-wedding rituals were on when Kavita, mother of Manoj suffered chest pain and fainted. The doctor told Manoj that her heart was weak and needed a valve replacement. Manoj and his family were worried as they had to arrange for a monet of five lakhs in quick time. We saw Manoj deciding to go to Georgia to accumulate money. When Megha and her father insisted that Manoj take money from Megha’s FD, Manoj refused.

The upcoming episode will see Manoj and his family conversing in the hospital room where Manoj will say that he refused five lakhs as his eyes are fixed on the whole amount of 25 lakhs. Megha and her father will finally insist Manoj take the cheque for five lakhs for the surgery. Manoj will refuse the amount initially and will finally take it after Megha’s deliberation.

What will happen next?

COLORS’ new show, ‘Megha Barsenge’, highlights the issue of bride abandonment through Megha’s story. Abandoned by her NRI husband Manoj, Megha teams up with IAS officer Arjun to confront him and challenge societal norms. The show celebrates Megha’s courage and independence. The show stars Neha Rana, Neil Bhatt, and Kinshuk Mahajan in lead roles.