Megha Barsenge the Colors television show produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia has seen high-voltage drama with Manoj (Kinshuk Mahajan) getting the upper hand on Megha (Neha Rana) and attacking her at his house. He tried to get physical with her when Megha hit him and successfully escaped from his house. Megha called Arjun (Neil Bhatt) for help, and Arjun immediately met her. Arjun was shocked to see Megha’s state and offered help and reassurance. Arjun motivated Megha to lodge a police complaint against Manoj. They reached the police station, only to discover that Manoj had lodged a complaint against Megha.

We at already wrote about Megha being arrested on the basis of the false allegations that Manoj levied that Megha tried to kill him. Arjun will be shocked and will find himself helpless in the foreign land. However, he will assure Megha and will promise to render help in some way.

Amidst this, Manoj will also plan discretely of throwing a bigger charge at Megha. He will hide drugs in Megha’s bag which the police will secure. They will file another case of drug possession on Megha.

What will happen now?

COLORS’ new show, ‘Megha Barsenge’, highlights the issue of bride abandonment through Megha’s story. Abandoned by her NRI husband Manoj, Megha teams up with IAS officer Arjun to confront him and challenge societal norms. The show celebrates Megha’s courage and independence. The show stars Neha Rana, Neil Bhatt, and Kinshuk Mahajan in lead roles.