Megha Barsenge the Colors television show produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia has seen engaging drama with Megha (Neha Rana) being arrested by the Georgi police after Manoj (Kinshuk Mahajan) levied charges of assault and drug possession on her. It was a very emotional sequence at the police station when Megha was arrested. She pleaded with Eby, Manoj’s girlfriend to help her out and not believe in Manoj. But her cries reached dead ears and soon Megha found herself in a cell, with deadly inmates as companions. Arjun (Neil Bhatt), on the other hand, promised to help Megha out. Megha had only one thing to tell Arjun, that to not tell her family about her arrest.

The upcoming episode will see Arjun trying hard to work things out in Megha’s favour. However, when the police will find drugs in Megha’s possession, Arjun will be helpless. With time ticking out, Arjun will want to do something for Megha and save her from the wrath of police and Manoj. Arjun will think of creating a jailbreak sequence in order to save Megha and bring her out of prison.


What will happen next?

COLORS’ new show, ‘Megha Barsenge’, highlights the issue of bride abandonment through Megha’s story. Abandoned by her NRI husband Manoj, Megha teams up with IAS officer Arjun to confront him and challenge societal norms. The show celebrates Megha’s courage and independence. The show stars Neha Rana, Neil Bhatt, and Kinshuk Mahajan in lead roles.