Megha Barsenge the Colors television show produced by Saurabh Tewari’s Parin Multimedia has seen engaging drama with Megha (Neha Rana) being rescued by the jailbreak plan made by Arjun (Neil Bhatt) in order to save her. As we know, while escaping, Arjun was shot and needed immediate medical help. Megha realized the need to save his life and got him admitted to a hospital. However, this meant that Megha came in the eye of the police who arrested her. She was brought for her trial where things were totally against her. However, Arjun had a plan in mind for which he got solid documents and proof prepared.

In court, Arjun proved that Megha was his wife and that they had married when Megha was just 17 years old. Arjun proved to the court that Megha was mentally unstable and that he needed to get her treated as soon as possible. Arjun further told the court that since he has the immunity to return to India, Megha as his wife, also had the same immunity. The court issued orders for Megha’s travel back to India along with Arjun.

The upcoming episode will see a fresh chapter starting for Megha where she will be grateful to Arjun for having saved her. However, she will be clueless about whether he did the right thing by proving her to be his wife. Arjun will succeed in bringing Megha back to her her land.

What will happen now?

As we know, the story will introduce Arjun’s family this week. Deepraj Rana, Madhvi Chopra and Rinku Dhawan will play the family of Arjun.

COLORS’ show, ‘Megha Barsenge’, highlights the issue of bride abandonment through Megha’s story. Abandoned by her NRI husband Manoj, Megha teams up with IAS officer Arjun to confront him and challenge societal norms. The show celebrates Megha’s courage and independence. The show stars Neha Rana, Neil Bhatt, and Kinshuk Mahajan in lead roles.