Mishri the Colors television show produced by Story Square Productions has seen explosive drama wherein Vaani (Megha Chakraborty) doubted Raghav (Namish Taneja) and believed that he was in an affair with another girl. There was huge drama with Vaani asking Raghav to confess about his suspicious behaviour. Raghav was angry at Mishri (Shruti Bhist) for Vaani’s doubts about him. At this juncture, Vaani got aggressive and was almost about to kill herself by slitting her throat with a broken bottle, but Mishri stopped her from making any wrong decision. Raghav was concerned for Vaani’s safety. Vaani later asked Raghav to promise over her head that he would not eye any other female apart from her. Raghav refused to promise Vaani and told her that there is a trust factor that needs to be strong in a relationship. Vaani chose to stay away from Raghav and gave him a break and decided to find trust in each other in that phase.

The upcoming episode will focus back on the studying centre where Mishri goes and where Raghav is a tutor. The students in the class will be given the task of working on a science project. Mishri will be almost complete with her project, but Raghav will throw the project to the ground and will destroy it. He will ask Mishri to create another project based on Volcanic Eruption. Mishri will try to argue with him, but nothing will change Raghav’s mind. He will continue to be furious at Mishri. Raghav will order her to do the project in a quick time.

Will Raghav and Mishri get closer?

Living in Gangapur near Mathura, Mishri is considered a lucky charm, bringing fortune to every event she attends. However, her own life is fraught with challenges as she battles against her fate. Manipulated by her scheming aunt into an unwanted marriage with her middle-aged uncle, Mishri finds an unexpected savior in Raghav, who reluctantly steps in to marry her instead, though his heart belongs to Vaani. Bound by gratitude and a desire for a genuine family, Mishri keeps the secret of her marriage to Raghav, embracing Vaani not as a rival but as the sister she never had. The show has Shruti Bhist as Mishri, Namish Taneja as Raghav and Megha Chakraborty as Vaani.