Mishri the Colors television show produced by Story Square Productions has seen engaging drama with Vaani (Megha Chakraborty), Raghav (Namish Taneja) and Mishri (Shruti Bhist) joining hands in getting Ranjeet exposed for the crime he has committed against Mishri. We saw them revealing to the audience of their plan to nab Ranjeet. Vaani’s mother took objection to the fact that she was not realizing the closeness between Mishri and Raghav. Incidentally, Raghav and Mishri did spend a night in the same room, sleeping together on the same bed. Raghav was down with a high fever and held Mishri’s hands and expressed his feelings of being unable to keep both the girls happy at the same time. Mishri too slept in the same bed, while she was taking care of Raghav. Vaani doubted the same and wondered whether she had to question Raghav about it.

The upcoming episode will see Vaani in disguise, waiting at the market place for Ranjeet. Mishri and Raghav will leave home at the same time to work out their share of the plan. However, Dadi will take offence of Raghav roaming around with Mishri and will feel that this will create a bad image of her family. Vaani and Raghav will, however, instil courage in Mishri to meet Ranjeet for one last time, so that they can catch him red-handed.

What will happen next?

Living in Gangapur near Mathura, Mishri is considered a lucky charm, bringing fortune to every event she attends. However, her own life is fraught with challenges as she battles against her fate. Manipulated by her scheming aunt into an unwanted marriage with her middle-aged uncle, Mishri finds an unexpected savior in Raghav, who reluctantly steps in to marry her instead, though his heart belongs to Vaani. Bound by gratitude and a desire for a genuine family, Mishri keeps the secret of her marriage to Raghav, embracing Vaani not as a rival but as the sister she never had. The show has Shruti Bhist as Mishri, Namish Taneja as Raghav and Megha Chakraborty as Vaani.