The popular Zee Bangla serial MithiJhora revolves around the lives of the Mukherjee family, particularly Raipurna Sen (Aratrika Maity), a character entangled in a complex web of emotions with her boss and love interest, Anirban Sen (Suman Dey). Her tumultuous relationships with her loved ones add a layer of intrigue to the storyline.

The popular Zee Bangla serial MithiJhora has taken a dramatic turn with the blossoming romance between Sarthak and Srotoswini. Despite their initial disagreements and Sarthak’s reluctance to engage with Srot, their relationship has evolved, captivating audiences.

Sarthak’s father, impressed by Srotoswini’s lively personality, likes her and recognizes her as a suitable life partner for his son. As Srotoswini spends more time with Sarthak’s father, she fills the void left by her father’s passing.

Meanwhile, Sarthak and Srotoswini’s interactions have become increasingly intense. Sort challenges Sarthak’s behavior and pushes him to confront his emotions. Unbeknownst to Sarthak, Srotoswini has developed strong feelings for him, even going so far as to write his name on her account page.

In a surprising turn of events, Sarthak begins to weaken in his resolve, creating space in his mind for Srotoswini. However, his pride and stubbornness continue to hinder their relationship.

In the previous episode, Srotoswini confronted Sarthak, leading to a heated exchange. Yet, Srotoswini’s feelings for Sarthak only intensified, prompting her to wait for him and apologize for her actions. Although Sarthak responded angrily, Srotoswini’s persistence and playful nature have begun to chip away at his defenses.

As their relationship hangs in the balance, viewers wonder if Sarthak and Srotoswini will overcome their differences and embrace their love for each other. Will their bond be strong enough to withstand the challenges ahead? The upcoming episode will reveal the fate of their relationship.