Pandya Store the Star Plus show produced by Sphere Origin has seen engaging drama with Dhawal (Rohit Chandel) questioning his brother Amresh Makwana (Ankur Nayyar) for being the catalyst in deceiving Natasha and the Pandya family by getting the papers signed for the demolition of Pandya Store. Amresh wrote a letter to his family and decided to leave the house. He nominated Dhawal to take care of their business and property. Dhawal had a breakdown when he read the letter. Soon, Dhawal also got to know that his brother had met with an accident.
The Makwana family blamed Dhawal for breaking the house and forcing Amresh to leave the house. Dhawal wanted to get back his brother and did not want anything else in life.
The coming episode will see Dhawal spotting Amreshâs car. Dhawal would have met with an accident, and this would have put an emotional pressure on Dhawal. He will be forced to choose between his brother and family and Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav). On the other hand, we know that Natasha is out on the streets after walking out of the Makwana house. We also know that she cannot go to the Pandya house as her brothers assume that she has planned the demolition along with the Makwanas.
Dhawal will be forced to get the divorce papers signed by Natasha in the coming episode.
Pandya Store Ep 962 6th December Written Episode Update
Amresh left the house after Dhawal questioned him for deceiving the Pandyas. He wrote an emotional letter to his family and walked away from their lives.
Will Dhawal and Natasha part for good?
As we know, Pandya Store has gone through a generation leap. With the audience bidding adieu to its earlier cast, that included Kinshuk Mahajan, Shiny Doshi, Akshay Kharodia, Kanwar Dhillon, Alice Kaushik, Simran Budharup, Mohit Parmar, Maira Dharti Sharma, the new cast has entered. Priyanshi Yadav and Rohit Chandel play the leads.