Pandya Store the Star Plus show produced by Sphere Origins has seen engaging drama with Natasha (Priyanshi Yadav) planning to get Isha (Surabhi Das) in front of Amresh (Ankur Nayyar) and the entire Makwana family. However, the real bandits ruined Natasha’s plan. Now, with the Makwanas fighting for their lives with the bandits being in their house, we saw tense moments with the family finally escaping.

The coming episode will see Isha getting tense and trying to find out what happened in the Makwana family. However, she will not enter the house, and will want to go back. However, Natasha will drag her inside the house. This way, the Makwana family will come face to face with Isha. The brothers will be emotional for a second on seeing their sister after three years. However, Amresh will get rude when Dhaval will hug Isha.

Amresh will stop the reunion of the family, by telling all that Isha had kidnapped Golu. This will further put the Makwanas in shock. However, Natasha will yet again handle the issue by telling them that she assumed that the bag she brought home was the kidnapper’s but the fact was that Isha too was kidnapped by the same kidnapper on the same day and that bag was Isha’s.

Pandya Store Ep 946 20th November Written Episode Update

The real bandits came to the Makwana house which put the family in problem. However, the Makwana brothers fought with swords to tackle the bandits and keep their family safe.

Will Amresh melt for his sister Isha and accept her back?

As we know, Pandya Store has gone through a generation leap. With the audience bidding adieu to its earlier cast, that included Kinshuk Mahajan, Shiny Doshi, Akshay Kharodia, Kanwar Dhillon, Alice Kaushik, Simran Budharup, Mohit Parmar, Maira Dharti Sharma, the new cast has entered. Priyanshi Yadav and Rohit Chandel play the leads.