Sony Sab’s popular show Pushpa Impossible, produced by Jamnadas Majethia under Hats Off Productions, keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with interesting twists and turns. Prabhas skillfully escapes from his flat, where the police officers come to find him. At the same time, Ashwin finds a hint that can lead them to Prabhas. Bapodra and Sushila enjoy quality time together at home. Pushpa (Karuna Pandey Vaidya) tries to handle everything.
In the upcoming episode, Bapodra and Sushila visit the hospital with their newborn for a check-up. As the doctor keeps Sushila and Bapodra busy, an unknown woman hiding her face enters the room and exchanges the newborn baby for a toy baby. She quietly leaves from there without letting anyone know. As Bapora and Sushila come to take the newborn, with his disappearance, they are terrified.
Chirag and Rashi enjoy sipping tea at the dining table, where Pushpa receives a call from Bapodra, who informs her about the kidnapping of the newborn baby, leaving her distressed. At the same time, Chirag, Prarthana, and Rashi are shocked.
It will be interesting to see how Pushpa will deal with the new issue now
Pushpa Impossible is a Song Sab television show produced by Hats Off Productions. The show cast Karun Pandey Vaidya in the lead alongside Jayesh Barbhaya, Tulika Patel, Jagat Rawat, Ketki Dave, Jayesh More, Bhakti Rathod, and many others.