Pushpa Impossible the Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions has seen engaging drama with Prarthana losing her ability to walk after having the deadly fall from the stairs. As we know, her hospitalization and her health condition made Chirag feel guilty. Pushpa (Karuna Pandey) was happy that Chirag was getting closer to Prarthana. We saw the sequence where Chirag supported Prarthana and also carried her in his arms to climb the stairs.

The upcoming episode will see Chirag wishing to keep in touch with Prarthana to provide her with all the motivation needed in this low phase. However, Chirag will have to do it without Bapodra getting to know of it. With the help of Badshah, Chirag will give Prarthana a mobile so that they can keep in touch with each other. However, Bapodra will always have his eye on Chirag’s activities as he will not want him to get closer to his daughter. It will be interesting to see if Chirag will get caught in his act of talking to Prarthana. Also, there will be a question mark on whether Prathana and Chirag will get together again, considering that their divorce case is appearing in court.

What will happen next?

Pushpa Impossible is a Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions. The show casts Karun Pandey Vaidya in the lead alongside Jayesh Barbhaya, Tulika Patel, Jagat Rawat, Ketki Dave, Jayesh More, Bhakti Rathod, and many others.