Pushpa Impossible the Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions has seen engaging drama with the elections happening taking centre stage. Pushpa (Karuna Pandey) was tense as the votes were being counted. She was worried with Bapodra leading. However, Dilip remained calm as he was ready to turn the tide. Dilip created a scam of fake posters which put down Bapodra. Bapodra was tense as he had already announced that he would leave the chawl if he lost.

The upcoming episode will see the results being declared, which will be weird. Bapodra will be disqualified from the elections after having taken to immoral ways to secure votes. With this, the next candidate Dilip will be the winner. This will mean that Bapodra will have to leave the place. Pushpa will be upset that Bapodra will leave the chawl. However, Dilip will not care and will be seen enjoying and celebrating his victory. Pushpa will take the initiative to stop Bapodra and she will plan showing an AV on screen. The video will have all the good memories of Bapodra in the chawl which will make him emotional. Pushpa will take the opportunity and ask him not to go.

What will happen next?

Pushpa Impossible is a Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions. The show casts Karun Pandey Vaidya in the lead alongside Jayesh Barbhaya, Tulika Patel, Jagat Rawat, Ketki Dave, Jayesh More, Bhakti Rathod, and many others.