Pushpa Impossible the Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Production has seen engaging drama with Pushpa (Karuna Pandey) being embroiled in the fight between Dilip and Bapodra. As we know, both Dilip and Bapodra are hellbent on teaching each other a lesson. They are scheming against each other and Pushpa is trying her best to handle the situation amicably. Bapodra has taken a pledge that if he won the election, Prarthana had to come back. Otherwise, if he lost, Prarthana could stay with Pushpa and he would not allow her inside his house again.

Amidst this, Pushpa was worried about Golu’s preparation of the story for the Diwang Diwas. The upcoming episode will see Pushpa bring in a change. She will convince Swara to be the interpreter for Golu in the event. Pushpa will want Golu to do well at the event organized for disabled children. Mahindra will be worried about Golu’s event when Pushpa will assure that all will be fine. The event will begin at the Nanavati School, for disabled children. Golu will stun everyone by announcing the name of Swara as his translator. Golu will ready himself to narrate the story.

What will happen next?

Pushpa Impossible is a Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions. The show casts Karun Pandey Vaidya in the lead alongside Jayesh Barbhaya, Tulika Patel, Jagat Rawat, Ketki Dave, Jayesh More, Bhakti Rathod, and many others.