Pushpa Impossible the Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions has seen engaging drama with Pushpa (Karuna Pandey) being given the task of reforming three misguided youths and bringing them on the right path in life. If she failed to accept the decision, the boys would be sent to a juvenile home. Pushpa was ready to accept the responsibility, but Bapodra objected to it. Later, all decided to play the voting game to decide whether Pushpa could groom the kids or not.
The upcoming episode will see Pushpa winning the challenge with Dilip’s vote. Bapodra will be forced to allow Pushpa to manage the kids. Pushpa will get down to making the boys understand that they need to live their lives by abiding by certain rules. She will ask them not to go out of the vicinity.
Badshah will, however, threaten to break rules and live life as he sees it. Soon, there will be thefts that will happen. There will be a power bank from a car that will go missing. There will also be lost wallets. Everyone will blame Pushpa and guess that her boys have stolen them.
What will Pushpa do now? Have the kids stolen them?
Pushpa Impossible is a Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions. The show casts Karun Pandey Vaidya in the lead alongside Jayesh Barbhaya, Tulika Patel, Jagat Rawat, Ketki Dave, Jayesh More, Bhakti Rathod, and many others.