Qayaamat Se Qayaamat Tak the Colors show produced by BBC and MAJ Productions has seen life-threatening dangers coming the way of both Raj (Karam Rajpal) and Poornima (Trupti Mishra). We saw how Shaina (Madirakshi Mundle) had planned to kill Poornima by adding acid to the water in the bathtub. However, Raj was alerted by someone, who told him that Poornima’s life was in danger. Raj rushed to the house and into the room to find Poornima. He saw the bathtub and was about to fall into it when Poornima held his hand and saved him. While the family believed that the attack was done by Chirag, Poornima tried to convince the family that Shaina was behind it. However, none was ready to listen to her.
Now, we saw Poornima and Raj being happy for the upcoming big day, that was Raj’s birthday.
The coming episode will see the family preparing for Raj’s birthday celebration when there will be a sudden power cut. Raj will go to check the electricity box when Chirag will appear near him with his mask on. Also, Shaina will come there to tell Raj about the problem being outside and that she has called the people to rectify it. Shaina will urge Raj to go to the family room where the family is waiting for him. Shaina will tell him that she will bring Poornima down.
While Raj’s life will be in danger with Chirag being nearby, Shaina will go to stage her next attempt to kill Poornima.
Qayaamat Se Qayaamat Tak Ep 23 28th February Written Episode Update
Raj got to know that Poornima’s life was in danger. He rushed home and to her room. He was about to fall into the bath tub which had acid mixed with water. Poornima sensing danger, saved Raj at the right time.
Will both Raj and Poornima come out safe from this plan?
Starring actors Karamm Rajpal and Trupti Mishra in lead roles, the show chronicles the immortal love story of Rajneesh, a city-bred medical student, and Poornima, a resilient village girl; they fall for each other and unite with an eternal promise to stay together forever.