Ram Bhavan the Colors television show produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production has seen engaging drama with Gayatri (Samiksha Jaiswal) dominating over her family, especially her old in-laws by making them run round the house and do household chores. Om (Mishkat Varma) the brother-in-law of Gayatri does not like the fact that she humiliates his parents, and gives her a fitting reply through his acts, everytime she humiliates them. We saw them have a confrontation in the hotel. We also saw Isha being an intern at the hotel and finishing her studies by graduating as the top student.
The upcoming episode will focus on the convocation ceremony of Isha (Khushbu Rajendra). Isha’s father Subhash (Sudesh Berry) will be introduced, as he will come to witness the ceremony of his daughter being convocated. Subhash will be a man from the village, who has worked his way to find the riches. He does not leave any stone unturned in flaunting his riches and making a noise about his daughter’s achievements.
The episode to air will see Gayatri offering a job to Isha after getting impressed at her abilities. However, when Subhash will see the job offer, he will look at it as an insult to Isha. He will use harsh words at Gayatri and will reject her job offer. He will tell Gayatri that his daughter cannot do a job for any other person. His humiliation will not go down well with Gayatri. Gayatri will soon change her mind about Isha. She will start to hate Isha all the more.
What will happen next?
Set against a crumbling mansion in Prayagraj, ‘Ram Bhavan’ is where the walls have ears and the windows see all, witnessing a tale of power, pride, and patience. Gayatri, the tyrant of the house, holds the monetary strings and, with them, the fate of her sasural. Her reign of terror is challenged by Om, the jugaadu brother-in-law, who fights to reclaim his family’s dignity and secure a government job as a symbol of his worth, enduring the scathing humiliation doled out by his bhabhi. Meanwhile, Isha, the rooted princess, stands as a picture of patience against her brutal boss Gayatri’s unwarranted wrath. After having fallen from riches to bankruptcy, Isha proves her professional potential despite facing relentless oppression by Gayatri. Provoked by Gayatri’s constant belittling, Om and Isha unite in an unlikely alliance, threatening to blow the roof off their oppressor’s empire. The show is produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production and has Mishkat Varma, Khushbu Rajendra and Samiksha Jaiswal playing the lead roles.