Ram Bhavan the newly launched Colors television show produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production has seen engaging drama with the viewers being introduced to the family members at the house of Ram Bhavan. The show has Mishkat Varma, Khushbu Rajendra playing the leads, with Samiksha Jaiswal seen in a stunning new avatar.
The upcoming episode will see the attitude of Om Ramdas Bajpai (Mishkat Varma) when it comes to giving back to his sister-in-law Gayatri (Samiksha Jaiswal) for her insensitive behaviour towards his family, especially his old parents. Gayatri’s tyranny will be shown in the house where her old in-laws will be forced to run from pillar to post every morning doing the household chores and running errands for her. Gayatri will treat herself as the Bhagya Lakshmi of the house and will expect them to do all the services she orders them.
However, viewers will see the daring Om take his bhabhi’s case every time she has been rude to his parents. Om will be seen barging into the hotel Lotus Grand and demanding to meet the General Manager. Gayatri will appear before him, and he will set the stage by humiliating her. Gayatri will do all that he says in order to hold on to the reputation of her restaurant. This confrontation between the Bhabhi and devar will set the stage for a fiery relationship between them.
What will happen next?
Set against a crumbling mansion in Prayagraj, ‘Ram Bhavan’ is where the walls have ears and the windows see all, witnessing a tale of power, pride, and patience. Gayatri, the tyrant of the house, holds the monetary strings and, with them, the fate of her sasural. Her reign of terror is challenged by Om, the jugaadu brother-in-law, who fights to reclaim his family’s dignity and secure a government job as a symbol of his worth, enduring the scathing humiliation doled out by his bhabhi. Meanwhile, Isha, the rooted princess, stands as a picture of patience against her brutal boss Gayatri’s unwarranted wrath. After having fallen from riches to bankruptcy, Isha proves her professional potential despite facing relentless oppression by Gayatri. Provoked by Gayatri’s constant belittling, Om and Isha unite in an unlikely alliance, threatening to blow the roof off their oppressor’s empire. The show is produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production and has Mishkat Varma, Khushbu Rajendra and Samiksha Jaiswal playing the lead roles.